Normally sport is non-violent. Every
day in every country in the world, thousands of athletes contest take place and
thousands of games are played without a hint of violence with very friendly environment. However, violence,
when it does occur, is a threat to sport. The occurrence of violence must be
treated very seriously.
Generally speaking, performers
have been left to make their own decisions on what risks to take. Some have
died as a result of their decisions in sports, others have suffered long term
disability, but hazards of self-inflicted injury have generally been accepted
as reasonable. What is unreasonable is for coaches and teachers, anxious to enhance
their own reputation, to encourage athletes to risk life or limb against their
inclination, anxious to enhance their own reputation, to encourage athletes to
risk life or limb against their inclinations and better judgments.
In games and sports where body contact is not supposed to occur, for example track racing, violent contact may nevertheless happen. Judges then have to decide who was responsible and whether it was deliberate and intentional. Judging " intend" is perhaps the most difficult task which an official has to perform during a game.
In games and sports where body contact is not supposed to occur, for example track racing, violent contact may nevertheless happen. Judges then have to decide who was responsible and whether it was deliberate and intentional. Judging " intend" is perhaps the most difficult task which an official has to perform during a game.